Jirka writes travelogues

Notes from our journeys

Romania (2020)


The year 2020 will be probably remembered by most of the world’s population thanks to other topics then travelling. This pleasant activity, which I enjoy so much, suddenly found itself at the bottom of priorities, and for most of the… Continue Reading…

Two weeks in Malaysia

Malaysia - Borneo

The year 2019 was, in regard of our traveling activities, very generous to us, . It was probably trying to compensate in advance upcoming touristic embargo, which was about to come next year. Obviously, we didn´t know it back then.… Continue Reading…

Three weeks on New Zealand (2019)

Nový Zéland

I apologize in advance for a length of this article, but there is really a lot to write about. When I return in my mind back to our journey over New Zealand I can immediately recall a tremendous amount of… Continue Reading…

Two weeks on Madeira island (2018)


This article will probably differ a little from my previous ones because our holiday on the Portuguese island of Madeira had a slightly different character. The main reason was the fact that we stayed in one hotel during the whole… Continue Reading…

Three weeks on Bali (2018)

I am sure that you have already heard from somebody how beautiful Southeast Asia is. We did as well. Only superlatives about lovely nature, nice people, excellent food and last but not least – low prices. I have to admit… Continue Reading…

South-West of US in three weeks (2016)

It has always been our dream to visit US. Don´t get me wrong, I don´t want to somehow exalt that country and claim that it is the Mecca of tourism. But still there is a certain appeal. You can know… Continue Reading…

Two weeks in Scotland (2015)

There were several reasons why year 2015 was significant for us. Not only we were about to be married, but more importantly, we have finally decided to set off together for our first bigger (meaning longer than one week) holiday.… Continue Reading…