Jirka writes travelogues

Notes from our journeys

About me

Why did I decide to write a blog about traveling?

Simple reason – I have troubles with memory.

Anytime we are travelling we are gaining so much experience, nice memories and when returning home, full of impressions, we want to share them. And as time passes by and we are gaining more and more new experiences, we started to slowly forget.

We don´t forget entirely. The main things will stay in our heads and hearts forever and we will tell about them to our grandchildren – sometimes so often, that they will know it better than us. However, if you have ever travelled, you know that it is not only those “Life time experiences” which make a nice holiday. There are also those little things which fit between. Short encounters with various people, discussions with our companions and many more details, which we are losing from memory as we grow older.

I write so I don´t forget. So I can point my grandchildren (when they will be begging for another life wisdom) to this blog and continue to enjoy my retirement.

Well and if any of you by far chance find some kind of inspiration for his holiday here, it will be a bonus for me, but surely welcomed one. If you´ll decide to leave some comment or tip for me I will be also glad, because if there is one thing I am sure in my life, it is that I will never grow tired of travelling and getting to know the world.